Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Everybodys going green! It's great isn't it?

The tidal wave of 'green' continues to wash over the world of commerce. Whilst it is obviously great to hear of shifting attitudes and priorities, one has to wonder what the motivation is behind these recent announcements when the likes of Tesco, Walmart and BAE are getting in on the act.

BAE Systems - because 'lead used in ammunition can harm the environment' a new range of 'green' munitions are being developed including lead-free eco-bullets, quieter warheads (to reduce noise pollution!), smoke free hand grenades, and armoured vehicles with hybrid engines. Umm, environmentally friendly war?

Tesco and Sainsbury's are to start their own local veg box delivery scheme. With the impact that companies of this size have on the market, will the advantages of having small to medium sized suppliers now be lost? Can this new move really help to reduce food miles?

Walmart are making huge claims about their desires to go green. But can a trans-national company of their size really reduce their 'carbon footprint'?

Consuming responsibly is important. Supplying our shops with locally sourced materials is more important. But reducing the amount of waste we produce has to be the most important priority of all. Can the 'big-boys' with their huge appetite for resources really provide the answer?

Less waste equals less landfill equals less green house gases.

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